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Students and staff gave rein to their creativity on Friday 26 April  to raise money for our neighbouring Charity, the Children’s Hospice here on the High Road beside us.  We adopted their National Hospice Week theme and a colourful cast of superheroes from Caped Crusaders to Cat Women came to our aid.  Over £700 pounds was added to our Haven House Fund.  A heroic effort.

  • Woodford 100 Years
  • Investors in Careers
  • Equally Safe
  • 360 degree Safe Award
  • ASGS
  • Healthy School
  • Research Mark
  • TFL Award-Gold
  • The Leaders Council
  • School Leadership Programme
  • The English PTI
  • History PTI
  • The Two Subjects PTI
  • Internatiional Coalition for Girls School' s
  • Top 100 Stem School
  • Sunday Times London State School of the Year 2019
  • London School Music Excellence Award 2018
  • The Parliamentary review