Weekly Clubs Available - January 2025
Extracurricular activities are a great way for girls to get more out of their school life. Not only are they a fun and engaging way of trying out new things, or improving existing skills, but they also give girls the opportunity to make new friends and develop their social skills. All these are important in preparing Woodford girls for the future.
We lay on a broad range of extracurricular activities both at lunchtime and after school. These fall into three broad categories:
- Academic.
These are aimed at exploring subjects beyond the curriculum or supporting the girls in their studies. These activities tend to run throughout the school year. - Enrichment.
These are not linked to the curriculum in any way, but provide girls with an opportunity to engage in activities they may well not have tried before, or to further an existing interest. These activities change on a half-termly basis. - Sport.
Most (but not all) of these are co-ordinated by the PE Department. They may be linked to school teams, but may also provide opportunities for girls to practise a sport for the pure enjoyment of it. Some of these activities run throughout the academic year, whilst others are seasonal.
The majority of extracurricular clubs are free to join. However, those that involve the purchase of significant resources and/or employment of specialist staff may incur a fee. We try to keep the costs as low as possible and financial support is available for those girls who are on the Pupil Premium register.
Information is sent regularly to parents and girls to keep them informed of what is available. If girls require further information, this can be obtained by directly approaching Ms Dawson in the main school office (Academic and Enrichment) or Ms Taylor, Head of PE (Sport).
For further details of what is on offer, please click on the links below.