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Why Study PSHCE?

PSHCE education equips pupils with the knowledge, understanding and practical skills that will enable them to live healthy, safe and responsible lives. It enables pupils to reflect on their own attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and will do in the future. PSHCE education also encourages students to be enterprising and supports them in making positive career choices and managing their finances effectively. 

Personal Education

Social Education

Health Education

Citizenship Education

Economic Education

At Woodford, PSHCE is divided into four main sections: Personal Wellbeing, Citizenship, Careers and Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability. All pupils follow a carefully structured programme of study which incorporates a series of lessons from each of these areas.


Personal Wellbeing

Personal Wellbeing makes a significant contribution to young people’s personal development and character. It equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to become confident individuals who are able to build their personal identities and self-esteem. At Woodford, the lessons on personal wellbeing aim to ensure that pupils are able to recognise and manage risk and take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours. We provide a detailed programme for personal wellbeing which also enables our pupils to develop the knowledge and understanding necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Our students are first introduced to this in Year 7, when they study topics such as puberty, diet, exercise and a healthy mind. In Year 7, pupils also begin to explore relationships during lessons on bullying and friendship. In Year 8, the main focus of study is relationships including domestic abuse. Pupils are introduced to the topic of substance misuse, eating disorders and peer pressure in Year 9, all of which are developed further in Key Stage 4. In Years 10 and 11, pupils explore healthy lifestyles in further detail by studying various aspects of mental, emotional and sexual health. They also look at cyberbullying, breast cancer and personal and online safety. 


Citizenship equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for effective and democratic participation. It helps students to become informed, critical, active citizens who have the confidence and conviction to work collaboratively, take action and try to make a difference in their communities and in the wider world. To this end, at Woodford we aim to provide a programme that facilitates these goals. Students begin to look at their immediate school community in Year 7 and the role that they can play within it. Further up the school, students learn about their rights and responsibilities in relation to the law, workplace and human rights. They have the opportunity to participate in discussion, meet local government representatives and debate issues which immediately affect them and their environment.

Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability

Education for Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes to make the most of changing opportunities in learning and work. It helps students to become enterprising individuals who learn to manage their money and finances effectively. It also allows them to develop as questioning and informed consumers. At Woodford, we provide a programme that aims to improve the motivation and progression of our pupils by helping them to see the relevance of what they learn in school to their future lives. In Key Stage 3, pupils start by looking at the Uses and functions of money. They develop this further in Year 9 when they study topics on budgeting and financial investments and marketing. In Key stage 4 pupils study Rights at work and Economic influences.

All PSHCE lessons are delivered using a range of methods including whole class discussions, group work, teacher led sessions, whole year assemblies and through the use of DVDs. Specific PSHCE sessions are also led by a range of specialists from local organisations that are able to provide their expertise on various topics. We also work very closely with Redbridge police and the school nurse who deliver sessions and talks to our pupils in both Key Stages 3 and 4. Although the majority of PSHCE lessons are taught in tutor groups, some of the sessions that are led by specialist outside speakers are delivered to the whole year group.

At Woodford, PSHCE does not only occur in isolation during discrete timetabled lessons; various aspects of it occur in many other subjects, both embedded into schemes of work and subject specific residential visits. Pupils also have the opportunity to explore PSHCE issues during form time, form led assemblies to the rest of the school and every Friday in sixth form pupil led assemblies. Students are actively encouraged to take part in activities that promote citizenship such as the school council, being guides on open days and fundraising for their house charities.

  • Woodford 100 Years
  • Investors in Careers
  • Equally Safe
  • 360 degree Safe Award
  • ASGS
  • Healthy School
  • Research Mark
  • TFL Award-Gold
  • The Leaders Council
  • School Leadership Programme
  • The English PTI
  • History PTI
  • The Two Subjects PTI
  • Internatiional Coalition for Girls School' s
  • Top 100 Stem School
  • Sunday Times London State School of the Year 2019
  • London School Music Excellence Award 2018
  • The Parliamentary review